Two weeks ago I was tasked with writing a Heuristic assessment of the Texas De Brazil website for a job interview. I had no idea what a Heuristic assessment was. I started doing research and found an excellent resource of the ten usability heuristics . Heuristic assessments are conducted by usability researchers (UX researchers). This article will show how to conduct a heuristic evaluation write up. This Heuristic assessment is only to show how easy the site is navigable by users and does not reflect the quality of food or service. -The food is quite good and the atmosphere is wonderful Writing a Heuristic assessment – A Quick Report Overview Goal: To find existing website issues on the Texas De Brazil website. How: This website will be reviewed using Nielson’s Heuristic evaluation list created by Jakob Nielsen. Assessment: There were many positive findings on the site that would draw the…
Posts published in “UI”
Here you will find UI archives for TC Designology. The articles found in this section are related to User Interface Design. The design is essential as users adopt new applications in their everyday lives. While making them visually appealing helps users try new things.
Were you ever given the assignment to create a new look and feel of a desktop application or web app, but didn’t know where to start? I found myself staring down a web application with four buttons strategically placed randomly on the screen. My job is to come up with a design that is both unique and inspiring as well as functional; where do I start? In this article, I will discuss building a UI from start to finish. Content, Content and More Content So here we are, you have a screen with four buttons; how do we turn this into a working functional and aesthetically pleasing design? The first thing we need to do is create content. Let’s take a deeper dive into the types of content one can gather. Verbiage Images / Graphics Typography Colors / Shapes / Textures Grouping Animations Verbiage Word choice is a big part…
When designing your first web app it’s easy to get lost in all the requirements and not know where to start. When I was presented with creating a User Interface for a project that helped Mining Engineers determine drill hole samples I didn’t know how to organize the User Interface or even how to separate one set of content from the other. The thing that was racing through my mind was make it look pretty, but UI design is more than just how it looks. The User Interface is the way a user interacts with the system. It is the place where data is captured which will ultimately turn into useful statistics and meaningful information. It is important for the user to understand what information is required from them and help them to give that information as quickly and pain free as possible. Here are a few tips to consider…